Wellness & Business
How do people deals with it in the heart of Hong-Kong ?
International Business Place, Hong Kong is an amazing city where people work hard and are often stressed.
Based in Central Hong-Kong, the Body Group Clinic works with specilized therapists.
I’m alway interested about the vision of the Therapist, that’s why I met Andrew Chow the Thaï Massage Specialist of the team. Chow deals with different needs :
Some people will come to him because of an acute pain on the back, knee, shoulder, some because of a chronic pain with stiff neck, the elbow or headache.

The challenge for the therapist is to quickly understand what is the cause of the pain (acute or chronical) and to treat it in order to relieved it.
If you are as the 80% of the population you’ll wait for the pain to be chronical to take the time to treat it.
You have to know that the longer you wait to treat a stiff muscle, the more you’ll have to work on it.
That’s why when you wait too long to get a massage, you may need 2 or 3 sessions to be completely relieved from a chronical pain.
As Thaï people do, get a massage regulary helps your body and muscles to relax and recover quickly, prevent your tendons from stiffness and calm down your mind.
Chow works on the muscles, tendons and around the joins by acupressure on trigger points.
You’ll also feel the energy circulate in your body and be in shape.
More and more business people who experienced Thaï massage are aware that it prevents from injury and lack of energy.
That’s why they regularly book a massage session with Chow in order to maintain their efficiency at work.
Some each week, some every months it depends.
You can book a 1 hour – 2 hours or 2h30mn session .
I was also trained at Wat Po Thai Traditional Medical School and I can asure you of the quality of the training. I was tensed after the flight and a year of intense work … I recovered so easely after the session.
Chow did a great job ! Thank you !!
You travel also for business or spend few days in Hong Kong ?
You should book a massage with Chow to receive a real Therapeutic Thaï massage as I did !
The Body Group
Booking / + 852 2167 7305
In the meanwhile…Take care of Yourself !